Sunday, May 13, 2012

i'm just getting started...

it's funny how a place so foreign can become so familiar to you.
through these past 6 weeks here, i've fallen deeply in love with Cambodia.  it's a new home.
the view, the language, the songs, the dancing, the food, and the people.
oh, especially the people. 
some of them have become my dear friends. i've gotten to know the depths of their hearts, i've seen them grow, and i'm continuing to see them grow. heck, this place has harvested a lot of growth in myself as well. i finally know what it's like to have Jesus be first in my heart. a song that has built a home in my heart says this:

Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

there is such sweetness in understanding His love. it's like honey that lingers on your tongue. it wipes away all that doesn't matter, all silliness or foolishness of the past and shows you the clear path you've been looking for all along. Jesus is my one and only. He really is the only thing that matters, and as i draw closer to His heart, all other cares fall aside.
what a sweet place to be taught these things. it truly is the cry of my heart for everyone to experience this kind of love and intimacy. from the people i work with in the Cafe here, to the students i teach English to in the afternoons.
forever & ever Cambodia will be in my heart.

unfortunately, the time is winding down & we are beginning to wrap up the lessons and ministries we have been pouring into for the past two months. in only a few weeks, we will be saying goodbye and heading back to Kona. with some pit stops in (hopefully) Thailand & South Korea, we'll be saying hello to our old DTS family & graduating June 8th! a few too many hello and goodbye's for me in a matter of a few weeks...with a lot less clothes to come home with & barely any money, i'll hopefully be back in the states within that next week. 

speaking of finances, if you'd like to help be a part of the process of getting me back home, that would be absolutely grand. right now, i'm a couple hundred bucks short for a plane ticket, but i know the Lord will provide! know that any amount would help, whether that be $5, $25, or $100. just hit the donate button on the right hand side of this post & it will go straight into my paypal account!

i'm so amazed at where God has brought me. every person and every place has been so instrumental in this journey & i'm so excited to feel like i'm just getting started. the world is in my hands! i am so ready to follow God anywhere He leads me...especially with what i think is next, but that's another blog post to write ;-)

can't wait to see your faces & hear your voices! thank you all for your continuous love, support, and prayers. 

every ounce of my love to you guys from Battambang, Cambodia.